Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday Morning....Start of a new week

We talked to the on-call doctor early this morning and we are continuing the high liquid plan and lots of IV fluids. Our OB has programmed us to receive an ultrasound every other day, so not going to see the kiddos again until tomorrow.

I had to start heading into the office a bit more so I wouldn't be so far behind, but my mother in law has helped out tremendously when I am away. My work family has been beyond supportive and I could not thank them enough.

As the babies have already lasted much longer than anyone had thought, I am digging into new research to see what else can be done for baby A. It is a long shot I know, but I am hopeful to find some literature on a baby this far descended continuing to progress. I will report my findings as soon as possible.

Other than that babies and mom are still doing well and we are grateful for the start of another week in the hospital.


Derek Maravilla said...

It started as seconds of shock, turned into long minutes of tears and concern, hours of fear and anxiety... then days of strength and prayer, and now an entire week of hope. I agree that I'm overcome with joy that it has been an entire week and we are all still here together praying for protection, life, strength and family while hanging on tightly to hope. Thankfully God gave us strong hands and an abundance of hope! We're keeping you in our prayers and love you all.

Unknown said...

Glad to hear that you guys have made it successfully to the start of a new week. Still keeping you in our thoughts and sending you prayers. Love you guys!