Monday, July 21, 2008

Is the internet down?

Just a quick little note and a cool little website I found today. I work in support and I run across this question a lot; Is the site X down or is it just me? Well there could be a lot of different things going on, but for starters try this little website out: It's a simple little site where you can type in the address of your favorite website to make sure that they are still up or the problem is on your end. If you can't even hit this site your problem may be at your ISP (internet Service Provider) or your router or many other things. Here is a little note that happened to me the other day:
I get home and need to work on some homework so I turned on my desktop. Everything boots up fine, I have internet connection and all is well. For some reason I cant hit anysite what so ever regardless of browser. So I started pinging sites in CMD and I can hit things. Check my router; router is good. Pop open my lap top running Ubuntu; everything works fine and I can surf. At this point I am thinking to be a windows thing. Reboot ( i hate that); nothing. Ok so I try the Suse side of my desktop...and guess what it works. So its not the router, its the OS for sure. Well to make the long story short, I reset my router changed my tcp/ip settings and finally broke down and called Time Warner. And guess what...I have a few different fire walls on my machine one of which is ZONE ALARM. Well Zone Alarm's newest update has completely blocked all internet traffic to my machine. The moral of the story...some times its just better to call your ISP and bite the bullet.
Hope everyone has a great week,
If you have questions that you think maybe I can answer - drop me a line or a comment here.

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